What's New
Return on Investment

Save $1 For Every Notice that you don't mail

Eeminder eNotices replace printed and mailed notices with electronic versions by suppressing the printing of any OSI notice for a member/customer who is identified as an electronic document recipient.

Notices can be sent as email messages, text message alerts, or as documents in the online banking system.

Eeminder has perfected several methods to get users enrolled for electronic notice delivery.

Eeminder eNotices is highly customizable and can easily adapt to any kind of notice.

Over 15 different OSI notices currently supported including NSF, Loan Late, CD Renewal, and Loan and Mortgage Billing.

Bounceback handling of emailed notices so that if the customer/member's box is full or email address changed, he/she will still get the notice.

Full audit trail of every notice processed and sent.

Message format, contents, and embedded options easily configurable.

Eeminder is ready to save you money and increase the satisfaction of your customers.